Online Car Insurance Sites for Quotes
Progressive Direct - Progressive Insurance provides free online car insurance quotes, based on your input of the following information: name, type and year of automobile, address, driving record, claims history. Progressive will also include quotes from other companies and let you see how they compare on insurance pricing.
GEICO - their ads feature the gecko, but they should trumpet the fact that GEICO is owned by Berkshire Hathaway, run by Warren Buffet, the 2nd richest man in the US. Talk about long track record and financial stability! They are famed for their low insurance rates, claiming to save drivers up to 15% or $500. To provide a free auto insurance quote, they require information about your driving record, other drivers in the house, coverage amounts, etc. All information is provided in a secure environment.
Esurance - they provide free car insurance rate quotes from GEICO, Unitrin, netQuote, and others, but availability varies state by state.
21st Century Insurance - they offer a toll-free number for 24 hour free insurance quotes and have a 90% renewal rate amongst their customers. They only insure safe drivers and collect the usual driver, vehicle, and household information before providing your car insurance rate quote.
Allstate Automobile Insurance - they offer both toll-free phone insurance quotes and web-based quotes and offer up to 20% discounts for safe drivers, multiple vehicles, etc.